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Make no interruptions at work the new normal and leverage async messaging for effective team communication with ZipDo. Shorten the amount of real-time meetings to a minimum and let your team actually work.
Video conference meetings demand too much time, attention & energy and lack clear results. Complex information is fastest understood & discussed in written format to avoid distortion of data and presentation bias. We work on a team communication software so you can resolve issues in a text-based format within an agenda to which each team member can contribute on their own time schedule (asynchronous). We strive to reduce the necessity of in-person / video live meetings to a minimum so your team can focus on getting their work done.
Based on the work of numerous researchers, we concluded that complex information is best distilled in written format and that fact-backed workflows benefit most if everybody is up-to-speed as quick as possible. For that matter ZipDo will provide you with the tools necessary to collaborate on “deep work” without getting interrupted by live, synchronous meetings. We want to provide you with everything you need to get your job done on time and take everything out that makes it difficult for people who “actually” work to focus.
Thus, we will introduce a new way to collaborate through text-based meetings for teams that put results over politics.
Let’s fight the meeting monster that consumes our energy, demands far too much of our time, introduces more confusion than clarity into organinations and inhibits us to reach our daily goals. mehr...
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